History Of Patika

The Patika project has been under planning by Erol B. for approximately 20 years. The first seeds for the project were sown in 1996 when the first stone house was built. The first steps towards organic farming started with taking courses in Permaculture. The first children’s camp was held in 1998.

Later, the project reached a hiatus (!)necessitated by the demand to return to city life( Later on a break was given to the project for the necessity of returning to citylife).

Since the end of the year 2004, Patika has been awakening from winter sleep with projects to green the land and build up its infrastructure. In addition to this, some buildings have been constructed and the garden has been fully established. All this work has been aimed at creating an environment for people to live and actualize themselves and their projects. Since the summer of 2005 Patika has been contuinuing down this path with the enrichment of educational camps aimed at youth and children, a modern dance workshop in the summer months and a steadily continuing process of greening.

If you are curious about who lives at Patika…

Patika Project

The Patika project is an experiment for mutual strengthening through creating something together. We think that everybody has a journey in her/his life and that this path is to be realized by each individual.

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